Tuesday, June 16, 2009


my phone ngan bantal la


mother fucker and DON'T BUY A COW MAN !


i don't remember xD

myspace-ing and ym-ing

summer holiday !

yes i do


cotton candy(baskin robin)

sky juice

an underwear,a half-quater seluar
and a singlet



just this mornin

hm basketball


amir i think =.=

yes alot of times

ape tuh?

my urine n my shit

err i don't know

yes i do haha :)

no ! xsuke

hm secret xleyh bagitaw lalalalala~

xtaw la. ko tnya la diowang aduyayyy

scholl nk ketas pekse ckgu !


a ghost?!?!?!

blueeee :P

alot of exitment n theme park i like it ! (i've benn there)

bnyak kali la xde muntah or kencin la -.-

ha? stone? xpaham sory xD

the place malas nk bawak balik exept nk cepat

hm ! adela bnyak lak tuh ! babi nyer minah sawah macha budak form 1 n 3 tuh ! **** u !

i hope so
but i did't have any

syera :)

petang main baskett n malam tsyen

entah la i think so -.-

in the middle of the living room

form 2 yang ade orng buat WAKENANBABI !

only one-yellowcard

terminator salvation !
best ouh

ice cream nnti kene lelah (tapi makan gak xD)


my manja adek -.-

no u moron !

entah la. ade ke? kalo ade pasal ape?

hahaha x xde lol

of course ido man !

on9 study playing basketball

bape kali mau bilang ! ade la

yes i do

3 cukuplah kan sayang? lol


yes !

gado ngan adek haha babi pokeymak lanchiou nyer adik sial =.=

tu je lah survey the end :")